We create brands, develop and design websites and apps and run successful social media campaigns that help your business to get ahead. Every project we take on starts with the aim of being our ‘best yet’, so you can be assured that our attention to detail and high quality work is present in every job we craff. We want our customers to be as excited and proud of the end product as we are,
and we strive towards that goal every day.

We believe in the impossible

We create brands, develop and design websites and apps and run successful social media campaigns that help your business to get ahead. Every project we take on starts with the aim of being our ‘best yet’, so you can be assured that our attention to detail and high quality work is present in every job we craff. We want our customers to be as excited and proud of the end product as we are,
and we strive towards that goal every day.

Awesome Work

To create custom portfolio grids you have seen in theme preview you need Essential Grid plugin installed and activated (comes with the theme). Go to Appearance > Plugins if you have not already done this.

If you already have, just create new grid or use an imported style and choose portfolio items as item source. Next, insert Essential Grid element on this page and choose one of the grid layouts. More information can be found in User Manual.

Comprehensive documentation on Essential Grid can be found here:


New and recognition

Chiusure per Festività Natalizie 2022

In occasione delle festività i nostri uffici rimarranno chiusi nei giorni: – giovedì 8 e venerdì 9 dicembre e – da sabato 24 dicembre a domenica 1 gennaio 2023 inclusi. Le attività riprenderanno il 2 gennaio 2023. Cogliamo l’occasione per augurare Sereno Natale ed un 2023 [...]

Chiusura estiva 2022

Gentili clienti, Aluchem sarà chiusa per la pausa estiva dal 11 al 23 agosto compresi. Gli ordini saranno presi in carico fino al 2 agosto, e spediti entro il 9 agosto, salvo eventuali imprevisti. Le tempistiche di consegna dipendono, come sempre, dall’organizzazione del corriere. Gli ordini [...]